Connecting a Bluetooth headset will cause iOS 15 to play a very weird sound.
Two cases, one sounds like a baby, another sounds like a monster.
Devices: iOS 15.2 Safari, iPhone 12.
Steps to reproduce:
Baby voice:
- 1. Open this page on iOS Safari.
- 2. Connect a bluetooth headset.
- 3. Close Safari and reopen it.
- 4. Click "start" to capture microphone and play. Try to say something and you can hear your voice.
- 5. Disconnect bluetooth headset, then audio will output from phone speaker.
- 6. Click "replay" to re-create audio element to replay audio.
- 7. Now, say something, your voice will sounds like a baby!
Monster voice:
- 1. Open this page on iOS Safari.
- 2. Don't connect bluetooth headset.
- 3. Close Safari and reopen it.
- 4. Click "start" to capture microphone and play. Try to say something and you can hear your voice.
- 5. Connect a bluetooth headset, then audio will output from bluetooth headset.
- 6. Click "replay" to re-create audio element to replay audio.
- 7. Now, say something, your voice will sounds like a monster!